As the title says I can’t get my asian forest scorpion to eat. When I got him in February the individual I got him from hurt his tail and he’s eaten small amounts over this time but he has never molted and hasn’t eaten for a long time. Any advice? (Also it wouldn’t let me put this in scorpions page)
Poor guy...Did you contact the breeder? You could get a whole refund for this. Have you tried increasing temperatures and putting freshly killed food to it's mouth?
@MrGhostMantis I got him from petsmart.... I got him for free for what they did. I tried prekilled last night which is what caused this post. The temp is around 70 degrees.
That temperature is about 5* too low at its lowest. Increase it by about 10 degrees. So it did or did not eat pre-killed with the juices held to it's mouth?
what's wrong with his tail? I know I'm like a year too late but I too got a female Heterometrus petersii from PetSmart and she's constantly having these "fits" with her tail and sometimes she even does front flips and ends up on her back. I tried to ask for advice from everybody and nobody knows what's going on with her.
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