M. robustum

M. robustum

It's the same specimen in all pictures. I need your help on this one. It's a juvenile I bought yesterday. I think it's female because of the wide open slit. The problem is it has a "dot" which I think is pigmentation. There was another one in the shop. It didn't have such an open slit. It also didn't have the black hairs. I think it was male because the e. fussilae in the lighter - colored species are well, light and hard to spot. Also, the hairs on my specimen are a bit longer and loose than in the suspect male which makes me think those really were epiandrous fussilae. I haven't had any problems with ventral sexing and think this one is female but just want to be sure. Thank you in advance!
I agree that it's a female. I've seen females with the little discoloration and strange hairs, but never a male with such a pronounced lip. I looked at all the pics and even from the thumbnails it looked very female.
Thanks for the replies! Here's the problem: It has something that looks like fussilae. When I looked at it, my first thought was male. After that I saw that the slit is open. If it wasn't for the slit, I would be certain that it's male. I've looked at the underside multiple times - sometimes I see lips, sometimes I don't. I think I'm going crazy:D! I don't know if the slit is open enough for a female. I looked at the undersides of males I have and I could see only a tight gap. Look at the robustum male here. He also has a more opened furrow.:

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Epiandrous fusillae sexing (Not Molts)
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