

The dark blue color on the carapace and how leggy it is has methinking this is a male. The good news is that the other two are stocky and they have a light colored blue to their carapaces. So, I'm guessing they are female.
Thanks for the info about the carapace in the description! Didn't know that tidbit. Great shot, as always.
That's a male no doubt. There are two coloration features that seem to fit for males more so than females. The blue carapace is the most accurate for males, also it seems generally males have blue that extend further up their legs than females.
@Anoplogaster You and me both - The OW's are rising stock for my interest - specifically about three Baboon species (M.balfouri, H. pulchripes, C. darlingi) M.balfouri is my favorite among them, but may be the last due to the cost and time involved for a communal.
How handsome! Beautiful little boy! The others may be female, but I have had this species mature at different rates. I had two brothers mature a year apart!
@Jeff23 My communal enclosures take about as much time as working with any other enclosure. there is a little more clean up now that they are eating large dubias but it's not that much. I think a lot of people envision several Ts all trying to run out every time you open the lid but they like to go into the hide. They are a great species to keep.
@Thistles Cool, he is crazy good looking with those colors. He turned really dark blue on his carapace this molt but his legs were always long and darker than the other two. We'll see as they get bigger though. :)

BTW these are the the three I picked up from you. :D
@Trenor aah yay! I'm glad they're doing so well! None of my holdbacks have matured yet, so your little man is ahead of the game! Here's hoping the others are ladies. Maybe he'll get busy with his sisters and you'll have another generation.

I hope I don't seem biased when I say that he's exceptionally good looking.

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