Tranh - Chilobrachys dyscolus (VB) MF ~5.5"
She is always watching....
Nice very blue pet hole ! How often does she venture outside???
She wanders about and webs around most days. Whenever I open the enclosure though, she bolts right into one of her happy holes. She is difficult to view as her enclosure is plastic 😢. Might try changing that with a rehouse but she has done a lot of work on this one and it works so I am conflicted.
She wanders about and webs around most days. Whenever I open the enclosure though, she bolts right into one of her happy holes. She is difficult to view as her enclosure is plastic 😢. Might try changing that with a rehouse but she has done a lot of work on this one and it works so I am conflicted.
How long before she started sitting out? Mine is about 2 /2.4 inches ish but never sits out , my other chilobrachys do at that size but my dyscolus is always hidden 🫥 I only know little one is OK because the web gets thicker food disappears and every few months a moult turns up in the web 😆
How long before she started sitting out? Mine is about 2 /2.4 inches ish but never sits out , my other chilobrachys do at that size but my dyscolus is always hidden 🫥 I only know little one is OK because the web gets thicker food disappears and every few months a moult turns up in the web 😆
That's Chilo's for ya 😅. They are literal cup'a'dirts, especially C dyscolus. The biggest thing, I've found, is enclosure setup, I set Tranh up mostly fossorially but added a lot of plant cover so she spends a lot of time webbing those up. She really became more confident when she hit ~4". Be warned, they are very camera shy. Half of my pics, of my C dyscolus, are of webbing with blue legs kind of sticking out.

P.S. The best views I get of Tranh are when I am feeding her. Drop prey outside burrow but nearby. They often don't retreat when they catch prey. Mine, at least, always just sit there looking proud of their achievements 🏆.
That's Chilo's for ya 😅. They are literal cup'a'dirts, especially C dyscolus. The biggest thing, I've found, is enclosure setup, I set Tranh up mostly fossorially but added a lot of plant cover so she spends a lot of time webbing those up. She really became more confident when she hit ~4". Be warned, they are very camera shy. Half of my pics, of my C dyscolus, are of webbing with blue legs kind of sticking out.

P.S. The best views I get of Tranh are when I am feeding her. Drop prey outside burrow but nearby. They often don't retreat when they catch prey. Mine, at least, always just sit there looking proud of their achievements 🏆.
Most of mine will sit out but like you they are in milky pots atm so all I get to see is silhouettes but my dyscolus is like a trap door just without the door 😆 I don't even see the food get taken just one min it's there then it's not 🤣
I assume we do come out though because there is lots of web ect just think we must come out way after my bed time 😂
Glad to know I could eventually see more once little one gains some size, I am looking forward to that day 😊

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Canon Canon EOS M200
Focal length
28.0 mm
Exposure time
File size
368.5 KB
Date taken
Sun, 28 July 2024 10:24 AM
1886px x 1984px

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