I'm at a total loss! mystery tarantula

I'm at a total loss! mystery tarantula

This tarantula was sold to me as a p.playtomma. I do not believe this is correct. She is definitely a female and her ls is about 8". The pictures of her with the more brown color is before she had a molt. Please help!
I've never seen P platyomma in person, but this one looks like some of the photos I've seen of females of the species. I can tell you with 100% certainty that it is NOT A seemanni or E campestratus(both have similar markings), but that's the limit of my experience. I personally can't think of anything besides P platyomma for this girl...unless maybe it's a different Pamphobeteus species....
I have platyommas, and this isn't a platyomma. I don't have Phormictopus, but it looks something like them from what I've seen. I am totally not into New Worlds, so I am not a great one to ask, but look into Phormictopus sp. Especially since you say she's aggressive =P

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