ID Me!  I'm Pretty!!

ID Me! I'm Pretty!!

Mislabeled T at a LPS results in much confusion and second guessing. My first guess was a classic LP. Now I'm thinking P. cancerides quite possibly.
I was thinking that too. IMO LPs aren't as..."chocolatey?" More maybe they are more like milk-chocolate instead of dark? The only thing that makes me hesitant is her behavior. The only aggression I see is over eating. Other than that I would just say she's very interested in the outside world. I know behavior across species doesn't mean anything, but I've heard some stories about their p. cancerides being a total witch!
I see your multiples. I met a young collector once who had a Phormictopus auratum that was as mellow as could be. So you might have a P. cancerides...
Thank you again! The multiples happened when I used my mobile app, so I'm blaming that :|
She still seems very placid. I started a thread in T chat to get some more collectors to share their cancerides stories.
Ended up naming her Billie Holiday ;)

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