ID help Please

ID help Please

Identification help please!!
Picked up this beauty today for free!
Super excited but definitely desperate for a a rehouse. Any insight on ID is very appreciated. Original owner states it’s a Goliath bird eater of some sorts.
That definitely looks like some sort of Phormictopus. Fits the descriptor since these can grow very large.

"Goliath bird eater" generally refers to a Theraphosa species - of which this is definitely not one of.
That definitely looks like some sort of Phormictopus. Fits the descriptor since these can grow very large.

"Goliath bird eater" generally refers to a Theraphosa species - of which this is definitely not one of.
Thank you! From advice I’ve received on another platform it appears to be a Phormictopus sp green! Great eater and even gave a happy dance!
Thank you! From advice I’ve received on another platform it appears to be a Phormictopus sp green! Great eater and even gave a happy dance!
Something like that I think. Phormictopus is a bit of a mess as a genus. I would have said Phormictopus sp. Full green but she has a slight blue tint and maybe some reddish hairs on her abdomen that make me think otherwise. Anyways, what a freebie! I'm certainly jealous.
Something like that I think. Phormictopus is a bit of a mess as a genus. I would have said Phormictopus sp. Full green but she has a slight blue tint and maybe some reddish hairs on her abdomen that make me think otherwise. Anyways, what a freebie! I'm certainly jealous.
I also picked up a
Something like that I think. Phormictopus is a bit of a mess as a genus. I would have said Phormictopus sp. Full green but she has a slight blue tint and maybe some reddish hairs on her abdomen that make me think otherwise. Anyways, what a freebie! I'm certainly jealous.
I was also able to snag a p. Regalis, and a GBB, and some sort of scorpion I still need to ID all for free. Definitely stoked!

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Tarantula Identification
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730 KB
Date taken
Mon, 02 December 2024 2:55 PM
1100px x 1658px

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