Honduran or Nicaraguan?

Honduran or Nicaraguan?

T.albopilosus female roughly 3.5" Named Rapunzel. Wondering if you guys think she's a Honduran or Nicaraguan? I assume Nicaraguan but wasn't labeled when purchased.
I keep all 3 locals of albo and honestly they all look the same to my eye, I don't know if you will ever be able to find out. At a guess i would say Nicaraguan as they are alot more available in the hobby and the brown colour is probably due to needing a moult, but either way she's gorgeous and unless you plan on breeding her it's not massively important if she's one or the other, but there is probably someone on here with more knowledge then me that can take one look and know exactly what local she is . Gl 😊
I keep all 3 locals of albo and honestly they all look the same to my eye, I don't know if you will ever be able to find out. At a guess i would say Nicaraguan as they are alot more available in the hobby and the brown colour is probably due to needing a moult, but either way she's gorgeous and unless you plan on breeding her it's not massively important if she's one or the other, but there is probably someone on here with more knowledge then me that can take one look and know exactly what local she is . Gl 😊
Thanks for taking a guess. Yeah no plans as of yet to breed her. Especially not knowing for sure what she is. She's absolutely adorable though. Do you got pictures of yours for reference?
If you click on my media pics there will be some in there I have a juvenile male from ometepe island called Cupcake a female Nicaraguan called curly fry that's about 2 inches and a juvinile female Honduran called Cookie 😊 I have alot of t pics on my phone but I will try and sort one of each later and tag u in them so u can see, I would do it now but about to take my son to school 😆
Looks Nicuraguan to me with the abundance and colour of hairs*

Agree with @Charliemum that the brown undertowns normally associated with Honduran, are most likely down to the need to moult On your girl. Nicuraguan tend to have darker base hairs than honduran IME and carapace black with gold/copper tones too.

A good example of the darker undertones is here on one of my T albos.

*The longer satae on the legs in Nicuraguan are usually lighter in colour (as well as more hairs than Honduran)

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Wed, 01 March 2023 2:07 PM
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