Grammostola actaeon
johnny quango

Grammostola actaeon

My not so little G actaeon enjoying a fat juicy locust
I love my girl and I was so thrilled when I found out she was a girl. She is so active, hungry all the time, gorgeous, and just an all round great girl.
How big is your girl here? I found that my has grown so quickly.
@VanessaS she's around 3" or so maybe a little more. I find most Grammys grow quickly untill around the size mine is i think these and iheringi are the exception. I absolutely adore mine they are stunning
@johnny quango My actaeon is twice the size of my pulchra in half the time. My pulchra started out fast and then came to a grinding halt. This species hasn't slowed down at all.
I asked mostly because I notice that your girl looks to be losing the red on her abdomen already and I was curious when I should start to see that happening. Mine is 3+" as well, but still has a very red abdomen.
Lovely girl you have there. :)
@VanessaS i hear you on the pulchra front mine as only moulted twice in 4 years although she's an adult and currently stands at 25 months since her last moult. The actaeon started losing the red setae from the abdomen on the last moult and last night mine was fully spread out and looks more 3.5"-3.75 so I'd expect yours to begin losing colour anytime. The growth of these matches iheringi for speed and I'm sure you've found their appetite does also. As for this little sweetheart she's a pleasure to keep she's no trouble what so ever
@SpiderQueenLizzy My advice if you can find one and afford it get one. As you can see from the little conversation between me and @VanessaS keepers that have these just love them they like iheringi are completely different from your typical Grammy. If you want another opinion ask @viper69 he also has one of these and he'll probably tell you the same
@johnny quango - My girl's feeding response is epic - on par with my A.geniculata. Plus, my girl is very active and has always done a lot of exploring around her enclosure. She is not really big enough to go into an enclosure the next size up, but I am considering it anyway because of how active she is.
Yes, actaeon, iheringi and grossa are definitely NOT your typical Grammostola. They are a big part of why I consider this my favourite genus. :)
@SpiderQueenLizzy Get G. iheringi, they are far prettier, ie they keep the cherry red abdomen, this species loses it. Color aside, they are identical in terms of husbandry behavior to iheringi. However, iheringi are larger if memory serves.
@VanessaS I've just added grossa to my collection a few weeks back and i noticed the feeding response straight away. All 6 species of grammy i own are all busy constantly
@johnny quango has yours moulted yet? Wait until they moult - the size increase was huge on mine. I have two grossa and they are incredible. They are going to grow out of their enclosures in a couple of moults. I have six species too! I have pulchra, pulchripes, porteri, grossa, actaeon and iheringi. They are all awesome.
The grossa, actaeon and iheringi are almost non-existent in Canada. There isn't much demand for them since they are all more than double in price compared to the more common species.
It's a shame, because people are really missing out on some awesome species.

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johnny quango
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motorola Moto G (5)
Focal length
3.6 mm
Exposure time
Auto, did not fire
File size
1 MB
Date taken
Tue, 08 August 2017 10:38 PM
3710px x 1643px

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