Geniculata M or F?

Geniculata M or F?

I'm not good at this, thankss
Word of advice, dont put much faith into ventral sexing. People will usually err on the side of caution and tell you it's a male most of the time. I've had people tell me my G pulchra (confirmed female at this point) was a male.. I've also had a male L parahybana be sexed as a female. It's a good guesstimate but always confirm from a molt
Word of advice, dont put much faith into ventral sexing. People will usually err on the side of caution and tell you it's a male most of the time. I've had people tell me my G pulchra (confirmed female at this point) was a male.. I've also had a male L parahybana be sexed as a female. It's a good guesstimate but always confirm from a molt
Just to clarify, I don't "err on the side of caution" and just tell someone they have a male. Maybe some other people do that, but if I don't know, I will usually tell the person why it's unclear. In this case, there appears to be an evident patch of epiandrous fusillae, which is the male reproductive organ that one should be looking for when sexing ventrally. There's actually a method to this madness, even if it's never 100% accurate. I've been wrong plenty of times before, though, because even the best photos of a specimen can be deceiving depending on the angle, lighting, etc., etc....

You are correct that sex should always be confirmed by examining the exuvia, regardless of what it looks like on the outside.

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Epiandrous fusillae sexing (Not Molts)
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