GBB Molt Pt. 3
Hey all, I posted here before with pictures asking for help regarding the sex of my T, and I’m back now with a larger molt. If anyone could please help me figure out what they are, I would appreciate it; as well as if you could point out how you came to that conclusion.
Thank you so much
looking pretty male. I'm not seeing the spermatheca. For reference: Mature female, not so zoomed in, and obvious
unless that little beige nub is a piece of it, and the rest is missing
It sure looks to me like the beige nub is on top of a flap. I think the molt has been worked so much that the darker color showing through is making it look different than normal, but I'm leaning towards female on this one.

@lilgreenleaf - are you able to slide a piece of paper behind that little nub sticking up between the forward book lungs?
It sure looks to me like the beige nub is on top of a flap. I think the molt has been worked so much that the darker color showing through is making it look different than normal, but I'm leaning towards female on this one.

@lilgreenleaf - are you able to slide a piece of paper behind that little nub sticking up between the forward book lungs?
but there should be 2 peaks to a GBB (see my photo) but agreed, or the flap may have been torn. So we need to delve fuller
and again, it is so blatantly obvious in my far less zoomed in example, any time I struggle with a close up, I am guessing dude
and again, it is so blatantly obvious in my far less zoomed in example, any time I struggle with a close up, I am guessing dude
Yep, this one is strange for sure. Looks like that molt was put through the ringer, which doesn't make it any easier!
Yep, this one is strange for sure. Looks like that molt was put through the ringer, which doesn't make it any easier!
agreed. and it shocks me, because it seems quite common. Dripping wet, mangled..... I think people try to do too much. My molt photos are always so basic, and have all one is looking for
agreed. and it shocks me, because it seems quite common. Dripping wet, mangled..... I think people try to do too much. My molt photos are always so basic, and have all one is looking for
I did the best I could with what I have. My T is notorious for chewing up the molts and it’s rather dry where I live so the only way to unfold it was by wetting it. If there’s tips I can have in a more positive way I’ll definitely take them, thank you
I did the best I could with what I have. My T is notorious for chewing up the molts and it’s rather dry where I live so the only way to unfold it was by wetting it. If there’s tips I can have in a more positive way I’ll definitely take them, thank you
Nothing said was meant as a personal attack, so please don't take it that way. There are some great tips for preparing a molt for sexing in this thread -Pic Tips.

Were you able to see if you could slide a little piece of paper behind that structure above the furrow?
I live in San Diego which has ridiculously low humidity. Wetting is good, just less, I use a small mist bottle, 1 spritz at a time and some long round head pins. It takes way less to moisten a molt than 1 imagines.
You are doing fine, so now see if you can get a piece of paper under that little beige nub

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Spermathecae sexing (Molts)
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