GBB 1.5 in sling

GBB 1.5 in sling

GBB 1.5 in sling, this is probably as clear as I'll be able to get
I don't have a scope, and I'm not confident enough in my spermathecae sexing to try it by eye. I have a theory on the epiandrous fusillae, but I want to see if others agree.
Looks femalish.. TDK, you can't sex a T via molt by the naked eye at such a small size, spermathecae and even uterus externus will be impossible to locate without a microscope.. and not everyone has access to a microscope..
Swifts invertebrates has a free sexing service. Sexing GBBs at that size can be tricky even with a clean molt. Looks female to me.
I wouldn't trust vents with GBBs. My male looked exactly like a female at that size. Just wait for a good, clear and bigger molt.

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Epiandrous fusillae sexing (Not Molts)
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