My ex stepped on one of my tarantulas and it was still alive poor thing. That's why we broke up, I had two b. vagans. One female and the other male. Both were ready to mate and she was holding the male and dropped him and then stepped on him so he wouldn't crawl around my house. She knew that he just sits there and lets you pick him up.
He was still alive, so I crushed him so he wouldn't suffer anymore. I felt so bad, but I hated seeing him wiggle around with his insides falling out. She ran out and I said to never come to my house again. I guess my spiders will be my soulmates.
It was last year, I still cry over it. I miss him so much, she has since then begged me to go back with her since she is on drugs and her parents kicked her out. So she has been living with her new boyfriend.
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