S. polymorpha (Madrean morph) Mt. Lemon AZ.

S. polymorpha (Madrean morph) Mt. Lemon AZ.

5" long and socialized. People keep asking what the best pede for beginners. This is one of the best species for beginners. Rarely ever tries to bite unless grasped. Easy to handle and a mild bite.
Very cool. I hade a female about size for 6 years. She was very cool and easy going. She unfortunately just passed away last week. But a cool pede to have for sure.
I have them available and can get more. They are priced according to size and locality. They are affordable for sure. 5-6" M Lemon Madrean Tiger for $22, smaller sizes and localities are cheaper.
I cleaned out my inbox. There are a couple of conversations I have with people that are so long that it freezes my inbox every time they pop in to say hi.

As far as a setup for polymorpha. They may be the most drought tolerant species ever (even out of all the AZ desert species). The only two that I have ever lost were a result of keeping them too moist. If they are kept like a tropical they might die. "Might" only because they are as tough as nails. Kept them way too moist at one point when I was starting out and most of them lived through it. In the wild they can be found under debris in bone dry dirt (or moist dirt) almost every time of the year. They are usually active when S. heros are also active so I assume that their optimal conditions are the same as S. heros.

Right now mine are set up in coco fiber that is slightly moist but not dry with an open water source in their enclosures (ziplock tubs). They get misted once or twice a month when the substrate gets too dry. Feed them once a week. They might do better on a different substrate but they are as tough as nails so it is hard to tell.

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Canon Canon PowerShot SX700 HS
Focal length
4.5 mm
Exposure time
Auto, fired
File size
1.6 MB
Date taken
Tue, 24 October 2017 6:53 AM
2642px x 3351px

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