Heterometrus petersii

Heterometrus petersii

Very nice, I have 3 babies myself but mine are a little smaller. Mine were born 7/9/2017. I have been wanting to post pics but my PC will not recognize my stupid android but I am working on it. By the way what are you feeding them? I am still feeding mine pinheads and they eat a lot, LOL.
How do you keep them from stinging you when you handle? Mine is so defensive she strikes a pose every time I even open her enclosure!
@JoP I scoop each one from their enclosures into a deli cup first and then tilt the deli cup next to my hand until they slide out onto my hand. They becomes pretty calm when they walk out onto your hand. Never been stung by a scorpion but I always go into it expecting to be, accepting the consequences prior to holding them helps and I ALWAYS respect the animal.
@JoP I have 3 babies and one is pretty aggressive when it does not want to be messed with. I have been able to hold all 3 but one at a time. I treat them with the utmost respect. Once you get them on your hand they seem to calm down, I think they like the warmth of your hand. Check this you tube video out.

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