G. Pulchra

G. Pulchra

Say hi to baby Freya.
It's feeding day for my other T's, but looks like she can wait a while to eat.
this is really nice sling that you have...you are actually lucky with this specimen..even sling version of grammostola species can be pretty bitey...I hear people getting bitten by 1/2 or 1/4 inch g.rosea/porteri, g.pulchripes and g.pulchra so yeah grammostola are very unpredictable Ts but they are hardy specimens like brachypelma so they are great choice for experienced and beginner tarantula owners :p this sling is cute :p
@Melanie you sure will see it grow :) I'll give you hint to let spider grow faster than normal time..keeping sling in warm place and feeding weekly will help with more often molts. My slings molted not so long ago but I see few that molted just again..there are tricks to let tarantula grow faster but just to remind you, it is not recommended if you don't want your tarantula to live shorter lifespan...this method does reduce lifespan of tarantula but at the same time you get bigger specimen faster
@SuleymanC Thanks for the tip. :) I'm gonna let her grow the ol slow old fashioned way, it's gonna drive me crazy, but she's worth the wait.

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