

Found this lil guy, can anyone ID? Had a funnel web (or was near one) in my shed. Could comfortably stand on a quarter. I live in western WA, USA if that helps. Speedy but hey, whats new. Considering keeping him to see if I can get a cool web, but for now he's in the corner of the shed.
@doodleBug They are beneficial and not dangerous. If it's a mature male, you should release him, as he is only interested in finding a mate. If it's a female or juvenile, keeping it as a pet is also an option.
How would I sex it? Would I have to wait for a molt? Seems it's probably a juvie as its pretty small and most sources say an adult female (slightly smaller than males) will hit 2". Males up to 3.5". This one is maybe about 3/4".
Update: it made a neat little web overnight. I need to upgrade it, just in a small tupperware with some ventilation and substrate. I dropped in a few rocks for a crevice and some sticks for webbing but I want my dish back haha should I model a terrestrial or arboreal enclosure? I found it on the ground but it has now made the web up against the lid. :/
@doodleBug by looking at pedipalps i say female . Once she is in adult form she will not molt anymore . At least i have not seen one to do so , and i`m keeping this species almost year . arboreal enclosure i think , thy hate to touch ground always in web above ground.
@doodleBug Unless you have a microscope and a good eye, you'll have to wait until it matures to sex it. (The palps of juvenile males look the same as those of females.)

The setup should be terrestrial with anchor points and a crevice for webbing.
Awesome, thanks guys. I'll set up a cool little enclosure tonight or tomorrow and try to post a photo. Hopefully it (she?) will make a cool little web :) I also have a common orb weaver (I believe it's an Araneus diadematus) who will soon have a beautiful display in my window for her and her amazing web so hopefully the E. Atrica can go up there and join her.

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Fri, 07 July 2017 10:09 PM
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