Because why would she use the cute front of her enclosure with all the plants and sticks that I decorated nicely for her when she could just make a web tube on the back against the glass? Silly me.
This one is big on webbing but the other one isn't, I'm happy she hasn't closed up the top of her tube because I love taking photos of them. They're such photogenic Ts
@Paiige That's the downside of the inverted boxes. Their web tunnels are long and down so you can't get a good feet shot like this. I've got a few more molts till they go in their big upright enclosures. I'll try to grab some shots of them then.
I know what you mean on location for their webs. I have a few cork bark slabs where my Avic slings have utilized the groves and holes for hiding in the back too.
This is still a nice picture. I love the leggy views.
@Trenor I agree. I guess that right after molt when they are suddenly hungry is the best. My female C. versicolor is suddenly all over the enclosure (and getting fed lots of crickets). Unfortunately her abdomen shrunk so much during pre-molt that it isn't a pretty picture right now. But she is fixing that fast.
@Jeff23 Just give her a good water supply and food and she'll plump right back up. I tend to give then a extra fat dubia when they are a good size and just finished with a molt. Fattens them right up.
I'd like to see some photos when you get your camera up and going. I'm all about some T pics.
What a great "situ" pic. Can't wait for mine to grow up. While common, they just look so cool... wish mine would web! She just sits around, out in the open moreoever than not, then runs around at night.
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