Hello, I'm admin of iGoTerra. This is a pic of a tarantula taken in Sri Lanka by one of our members. Does anyone would know its ID? Thank you for your help. Cheers
The Exact position is available here: http://www.igoterra.com/idhelp_view.asp?id=18139273
Never seen any Theraphosidae like this before. I would awing a guess at something along the lines of undescribed Thrigmopoeus or Monocentropus possibly.
My best guess would be that its from the Chilobrachys genus. It has the typical morphology of a mature male Chilobrachys with those lighter colored metatarsi.
I was with Creepa on the Chilobrachys for a few minutes, now I'm thinking he looks like a Heterophrictus or Neoheterophrictus. He's beautiful either way.
It is not H. himalayana in my opinion.
The tibia sections of the legs are colored white in the OP picture.
H. himalayana only have the white color, in the patella, not the tibia.
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