Davis Pentaloris? ID please

Davis Pentaloris? ID please

I was offered this lovely critter in a three-for-two deal. Initially I thought it was a D Fasciatus, but after feedback from other users I'm at a loss. Anyone?
That's great info, thanks. I noticed something similar with my adult Geniculata except much more pronounced to the point where I thought something was wrong.

Almost the entire back part of her abdomen was covered in what looked like small dustbunnies... When I carefully used a brush to remove some, all that happened was that only more "dust" appeared and some fell off in more dustbunnies. I guess I know now that they were bristlebunnies instead :)
Body length? Is that frowned upon as opposed to stating legspan? I'm too new to accurately measure proper leg span, sorry about that.
Many do use it in Europe, but to me legspan tells you how big it is in relation to housing and such. I just think it gives a better picture of the actual size.

Think about this, you have a 4", lets say pokie (it doesn't matter the species), it molts into a MM with a leg span of 5.25", but as a result of the smaller abdomen, has a body size that has reduced by %25 in length.

Now you tell me, did that spider grow with its last molt, or did it shrink?

No biggie on how you want to measure things, just wanted to give you my point of view on how I see it.....most do measure DLS, which is measured exactly as it says...Diagonal Leg Span. Measure the longest distance from front legs to back.
@cold blood Very good points, I'm in the DLS camp now. But the DLS differs between leg postures so... the measure is when the T is relaxed, on a vertical surface for instance?

No, it doesn't...to get the true DLS, the t must be stretched out...otherwise you can only make an educated guess.

Some are easy, like pokies that sit stretched on the glass. Many almost require them to be removed from their enclosure.

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