I don't see how anyone is able to see the femurs clear enough to be sure its blondi...regardless, the set up is brutal and if its not changed it won't matter as it will just be a dead spider.
1. The substrate needs to be raised to a safe level, right now its a catastrophe waiting to happen.
2. Bury the hide most of the way, spiders prefer tight places, open places are not inviting and offer no security.
3. The substrate NEEDS to be kept damp, this is critical of you want your theraposa to survive....its currently way too dry in there.
4. If its not there, add a large water dish.
This is an advanced species and typically, they die in the hands of the inexperienced. If you do not have proper experience, as the set up suggests, I would sell it to someone else.....I can't tell you how many of these I have seen die in the hands of newer keepers...like most of them.
@cold blood Her carapace profile and fang size indicate blondi, and I was able to zoom on my iPad to see the long setae on the patellae. He also posted a ventral pic.
OP, you say "given." Did you buy her or was she really a gift?
Thank you everyone for the feedback. Tank upgrade coming ASAP....my brother picked her up from an expo out here in Northern California and a little time after, he realized he couldn't keep her. (His woman don't like spiders)....I've had spiders before, but never a Birdeater. As I did research and spoke to a few reptile stores out here, I just wanted to make sure she was a Tblondi cause everything I've read and heard, they are extremely difficult to take care of....but I'm excited to have her and I'm up for the task.
New enclosure pic coming soon, and I would appreciate any helpful feedback on that too.
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