Any help will be appreciated
Shawn Tang

Any help will be appreciated

Was sold to me as pterinochilus chordatus but after seeing the recent molt of how brightly colored it is i am not so sure. It is about 2 to 3 inches leg span.
It looks like a species of Prerinochilus. Abdomen parterns are similar to a vorax or lugardi. Only thing confusing me is the golden coloration on the thorax.
Looks like P. lugardi/chordatus cross.....I dare not say the "H" word. However, I don't know so don't take my word for it. There is a DCF & LCF of chordatus, though. Perhaps someone could've crossed the 2 color forms and this chordatus was made. Usually, when you cross two color forms of the same species, they come out one color of the species or the other (but both colors can be present in the sac) and not a "mix" of them. Perfect example: Neoholothele incei. Gold/Olive. If you breed an olive to a gold, you can have a sac with X amount of olives and x amounts of golds but not a combination of those 2 colors into one tarantula.
But really it's just a chordatus with more bright pattern on it's thorax and he's mature male, so just find him a girl)
tarantulas look quite different after a molt, they are very colorful after a molt for a few weeks and then the colors will darken.

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Tarantula Identification
Added by
Shawn Tang
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samsung SM-G920I
Focal length
4.3 mm
Exposure time
File size
6.6 MB
Date taken
Sat, 15 October 2016 1:56 PM
5312px x 2988px

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