

my g.rosea, first time ever holding her.
hey guys, so i debated not posting this especially until i felt truly attached to this animal...despite that, here it goes. about a month ago i can truly say i was arachnophobic by every sense of the word. spiders especially, were disgusting evil creatures that bid to do us harm. today, i'm no longer that same misinformed child. i do not allow its scary (but soft) exterior keep me from embracing and owning these extremely extraordinary and misunderstood creatures. june 16th, my mother got me a tarantula that i practically begged for because it was being neglected in a pet shop. i knew even in fear; i could provide it a better home. i had _no plans_ of holding her or falling in love with this 8 legged fuzzy creature when i got her. today, i realise how much this tiny thing has changed my life and i couldn't be happier. this is my first (of 3, currently) tarantula, and without a doubt one of my most beloved and prized possessions.
First you have a Grammostola sp. "Northern" not rosea. Second I know you're new but I suggest not to hold your spider just for kicks and cause it feels cool. Tarantulas aren't meant to be held. Third she is a beauty enjoy her and learn from people's mistakes to become a better tarantula keeper.
i held it because i was changing the enclosure and she/he/it came out of the tank and placed it into the new one
I used to love handling my spiders, then my most "docile" one decided to spread its fangs as it was walking over my hand. Kicked my handling habit forever. It's not worth a bite, even from a grammie. Those fangs alone will do a number on you. After handling. A T needs to settle in all over again, it's just stressful for the spider and does nothing good for it.
thanks guys, i appreciate all the information i'm now looking into how to distinguish difference between rosea and sp northerns
Nice looking T glad to see you overcame your fear of the eight legged wonders there is a lot of experience and knowledge in this forum pu5 it to good use
@hypocrite I have to say, I sort of have had the same experience! Just months ago I was terrified by them and refused to even look at them, but after learning more and more about them, I fell in love! I'm looking to get my own soon. Your T is beautiful!
That's so funny I use to be terrified of tarantulas so I did all kinds of research on them now I can't get enough of them. Currently only have 2 T's but hope to keep expanding my Collection
i went from arachnophobic, to just her, to 4 and planned more on the way! haha. addictive hobby, to say the least :smug:

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