This was sold as a birdeater

This was sold as a birdeater

Time to go back to bed. I've had two suspicions concurred with. My head is getting so big i can't support it anymore :)
Scourge said:
I was thinking more Sericopelma sp.
I agree. Sericopelma rubronitens (panama red rump) and Brachypelma vagans (mexican red rump) look almost identical, but vagans usually seems to have more of a tan outline of the carapace. Your T does not, so I'd lean towards sericopelma.
Snakeguybuffalo said:
Scourge said:
I was thinking more Sericopelma sp.
I agree. Sericopelma rubronitens (panama red rump) and Brachypelma vagans (mexican red rump) look almost identical, but vagans usually seems to have more of a tan outline of the carapace. Your T does not, so I'd lean towards sericopelma.
The two look nothing alike other than color. That is a Sericopelma rubronitens. They get over 7" so i would put them in the "bird eater category" especialy due to locality. B. vagans has disimilar cephelathorax, and leg proportioning, let alone the chelae. Color means nothing in T's, or close to it. From freshly molted to close to another molt they take on a true color and pattern change.....rely on physical differences,.,,not ptterns.
Plus keep in mind that birdeater is a common term and can be used by anyone to describe a large T. Its just a completely superficial description. That is why you should always stick with the scientific name when you want to know what T you have.
Luiscifer said:
B. vagans...Mexican Red Rump. I named mine weasley.
Absolutley not.

Sericopelma rubronitens. I have a large female and a female vagans. Its quite easy to tell them apart.

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