Brachypelma smithi sling post-molt

Brachypelma smithi sling post-molt

Brachypelma are slower growing but I feel mine has made good progress in less than 3 months. :) I'm happy to see the gradual emergence of adult colors and proportions always look so good post-molt! The one leg looks a bit strange yet as this is only one molt since they regrew it.
The new leg is looking good! It will be back to normal in no time.
Do you know what happened to it?
@VanessaS No, I don't. The sling may have had only seven legs when I received them or, being the first tarantula I've ever had, it is possible I did something. The earliest photos I took were... wow, a whole month after I purchased them and they were already missing the leg at that point and I didn't notice even then. :( They had lost a bit of weight at that point as I mistook their disinterest in items like bean beetles as a sign they must be in premolt. :bag: At least perhaps my other early mistake may have even helped at that time as I was overly concerned about moisture level based on some online caresheet; perhaps my little sling could drink from the damp moss when it wasn't receiving palatable food items. In any case, I am grateful that they survived my many well-intentioned early mistakes and however they lost the leg. Sorry for the overly long answer! :embarrassed:
I didn't think it was anything that you did wrong, I just have an obsession with their ability for limb regeneration.
I think that moss as a substitute for a water dish, when the vials are too small, is a good alternative.
@VanessaS I know, but I feel bad and a bit silly for not noticing when I received them or when it happened. o_O I think I was caught up in the newness of having my first T, watching their abdomen and trying to figure out if they were in premolt, etc., etc., that I took how many legs they had for granted. :wacky:

The capacity for regeneration in tarantulas is indeed amazing! :)

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Apple iPhone 5c
Focal length
4.1 mm
Exposure time
Off, did not fire
Brachypelma smithi sling (6).JPG
File size
842.6 KB
Date taken
Mon, 30 May 2016 12:03 PM
1786px x 2371px

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