Pink Zebra Beauty or Chaco Golden Knee?

Pink Zebra Beauty or Chaco Golden Knee?

Hi, I bought this spider as a sling and it was labeled as a pink zebra beauty. After the molt and darkening of coloration, I'm beginning to think otherwise. I think it might be a chaco golden knee, but not 100% sure. Please help. Thanks :)
Perhaps a brighter flash on the abdominal setae and striping on the patella would help. A bit hard to tell in this pic.
I don't see any yellow on it. It looks beige on the knees. Hi. I do see in color! Without the yellow, I would say that is a pink zebra. However I am no expert!
I don't see the dark color on the carapace that overlays the whitish tint they have....I do see pink setae but if that striping is more of a yellow gold it indicates chaco. Although, I don't think chaco's have that distinct pink coloration (setae).....I hope (unless it doesn't bother you,) it's not the big H word....

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