Tarantula ID and sex anyone ?

Tarantula ID and sex anyone ?

I Got this T from a petshop,and was wondering what species and sex is it.It stays still and hasn't eaten anything I offer it. .I wish to know why is it doing this,and should I be worried ?Hope someone can answer
It's a rose hair (G.porteri) and they usually fast for weeks or months. Nobody can sex that spider with this picture, you will need to take a clear picture of the opening where the abdomen meets the carapace or you can wait for a molt and take a picture of the area between the first set of book lungs (If theres a little flap/structure its a girl if there is nothing there then it is a male.

Hope this helps!
G. porteri all the way...fasting champions...keep the enclosure dry as a bone, they hate moisture outside their water dish.

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