P. tigrinawasseli

P. tigrinawasseli

Educated guesses? Thanks! :)
Just trying to figure out this sexing thing...can either of you clarify how you are so certain?
Well, vent sexing is not always 100% accurate, so your best bet is to wait for it to molt and search for the spermathecae. What I can make out in the picture you provided is a notch in the vent and a dot, and the vent looks connected - this indicates male. Although if you feel like it you can always provide another picture :)
Ugh. Yeah. After reading your comment and spending some quality time with a flashlight...I think you all are right. Oh well. Hopefully I can find this guy a girlfriend so he can contribute to his species before his time runs out!
Remember, only a molt will tell for sure, wait for it to molt and sex it then via exuvium to be 100% sure

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Epiandrous fusillae sexing (Not Molts)
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