P. regalis 3 inches

P. regalis 3 inches

You should probably soak the molt in alcohol or soapy water to soften it up, carefully unfold and flatten the ventral abdominal part and post a picture.. maybe then I can make a guess on it, this pic doesn't really help for anything.. :)
Thanks for the reply! Actually, the furrow is clearly visible in this picture right in the middle of the opened skin. I wanted to know if the dark area where the furrow is really is a spermathec or accessory organs, or just a fold of the skin in this position. I already posted a ventral pic of the tarantula where they said it looks female. It's really hard for me to see the fold even with a naked eye without the blur the camera is causing so I think it will be hard to determine the sex by this pic but that's the best I can do. Thanks again for the reply and I know about the soaking thing but I usually find the exoskeleton right after the tarantula has molted so I don't need to do this.
No problem, unfortunately I can't really make out anything from this picture.. the ventral pic does look femaleish, but take it with a grain of salt.. maybe wait for another molt and try again? :)
im usually pretty good at Spermathecae sexing.. but maybe its the under lighting throwing me off, but i cant see much here either.. personally those light table effects make it harder for me.. so id need a normal lighting... light tables blind me and i cant focus plus gives me a headache and itl achieve nothing as far as me helping.... normal lighting or flashlight is much better imo
Thanks for the replies! The problem is that the suspect spermatheca is too small for my camera and without the light, you won't see anything. Sorry for the bad quality but that's the best I can do. I wouldn't make a suggestion based on this picture, either. I just wanted to see if someone more experienced could try and make a guess. I'm feeding the tarantula more often now so it can molt sooner. I think I will be able to see a spermatheca if there is one on the next molt. Thanks again for the comments!

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Spermathecae sexing (Molts)
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