boehmei or baumgarteni?

boehmei or baumgarteni?

Strange carapace on it. It's kind of light. I'm still unsure. Could you take a close up of the legs while looking from the side of the spider, instead of from the top? Here is a picture of a 2.5" female baumgarteni that I have that you can try to compare yours to. This one has a dark baum carapace, and the darker hairs on the legs like they should have.
kean, In case you havnt noticed or too new to the hobby, SOME people have no clue what they are talking about when identifying Ts. Do you think I didn't take into consideration what the seller told me it was? What's the point of this forum if I believed what the seller told me every time?

I've had boehmei before and this is noticeably different when side by side. I think her specific blood line had been cross bred in the past. The carapace on her is tricky but the more pictures I look at, I lean boehmei.

Thank you everyone
Hi Peter,

I tried to send you a PM but your inbox is full. Are you still interested in the white reflective Tarantula decal? I emailed you an invoice through PayPal & I have the decal cut & ready to ship. Please let us know what you would like to do Thanks ::::)

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