M. Balfouri Male/Female?

M. Balfouri Male/Female?

2 Pictures. One right after molting into mature adult and one recent. Thought male at first with blue carapace, but females have that too, and I've seen much darker on males. Good size abdomen, not real leggy. Some help?
Would be much easier to tell with a ventral pic. Males usually are darker with the blue coloration extending almost completely (if not completely) up the entire leg and their abdomens have an overall "darker" coloration than females, however, the coloration varies over time from sling to adulthood. The pic I see to the left (the legs) looks like a male and the pic to the right, female. Which pic is the before and after?
Front legs are chunky, and if its > 4 inches and it just molted....I'd def have a vote for female. Can't miss a male after they get to a certain size range. You didn't get a look at the molt?
I tried to get a look at molt, but at the time, I wasn't very good at it, and destroyed it trying to unroll it. :(

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Epiandrous fusillae sexing (Not Molts)
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