Sex this rosie for me???please

Sex this rosie for me???please

Chris told me i have a mature male i need to find if this is a girl
If it's a G Rosea, look for hooks on its forward legs. If it has them, it's male, if not, its female. It may be too immature to tell, so keep looking every now and then. The last thing you want is a female spider with a male name (if you decide to name it) :D
TheSoulja said:
If it's a G Rosea, look for hooks on its forward legs. If it has them, it's male, if not, its female.
Your wrong here. Just because it doesnt have hooks doesnt make it a female. Males do not posess hooks until their ultimate molt. So looking for hooks would not work unless the male is mature. And its very easy to tell if a male is mature.

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Epiandrous fusillae sexing (Not Molts)
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