A gift

A gift

I was given this spider. I've done some research and it looks like one of these: Brachypelma albiceps
Brachypelma ANGUSTUM
Brachypelma albopilosum
lasiodorah parahybana
Ooooooooo I've never seen that T before, however I'm pretty sure it's MM sorry, the pedipalps look that way although I can't see any hooks from this angle
it's only 3.5 inches frontwards and the body is only 1.5 inches... it's really mature?
i need to know what it is so i can get on Invertsonals. :)
Oh shoot I just looked at it it has hooks. :3
I need to try and get it a mate quick. He's still walking around the roof of the cage and there's a tiny web in the corner that he never sits on and if he hadn't eaten it, it could be a sperm web. I can update that image later
You think that looks like a Lasiodora? Wow...

If it's a local WC you should just let it go. You need MUCH more experience before you attempt to breed anything.
It's not local wild caught. It was bought by someone in Texas and taken to Kentucky by it's owner. They donated it to a pet store and the owner of the local pet shop gave it to me because he knew I'd take care of it. The legs of the Lasiodora look very similar to the legs of this tarantula; the carapace is what sets it apart. I don't see what could go wrong with breeding whether you are fully educated on tarantulas or not... If you know they are the same species and one is male and the other is female and you research the natural environment's temperature and humidity plus watch for signs of aggression from the female I don't see how you could have any worse chance than someone who knows all about sexing or identifying tarantulas...
It's irresponsible to post an Invertsonal and try to breed if you don't know what you have. Just because you found some pics online that look like your T doesn't mean that's what it is.

You don't see how someone who has knowledge and experience would be better at completing a task than someone who read a little bit but basically knows next to nothing? Ok... Good luck with your breeding projects, you are really gonna need it.

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Tarantula Identification
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