Avic ?

Avic ?

I got this from the LPS and it was sold as an A. avic... I am just trying to validate what it is.
It's an Avicularia. Which one, particularly from a photo, is hard to say.
good luck getting a positive id from a likely WC specimin from petco.
It is LIKELY A.avic, but you cant be 100% off a photo alone.
Wait for a molt. If youre lucky and that t is female you can post pics of the spermatheca to narrow down which sp... I would imagine that is your best bet at a proper ID
Thank you all!

I will wait for a molt. @WickedOdie it does have the same coloring on the abdomen.
I would say it's an Avic. Looks just like mine, with a duller-coloring on the abdomen, (though that might just be the picture) :)

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