Lasiodora klugi?

Lasiodora klugi?

Purchased as a Mexican Red Knee sling, originally all brown in color. Watching her (?) mature over the last 1.5 -2 years, I was doubtful that she was a Mexican Red Knee and now am certain she is not. Ideas?
Lasiodora klugi or difficilis. Not sure. Definitely not mexican or Brachypelma, though.
Right on, thanks a lot! He/she didn't particularly strike me as being a brachypelma per say because of his/her build, but as far as coloration, my limited knowledge/experience led me to these guesses. That aside, he/she grew A LOT with the last molt and has changed very drastically in appearance; Quite the leggy little friend now! Glad I'm no longer in the dark :]

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