what species is this

what species is this

Im leaning towards a pamphobeteus species of some sort. please confirm because if its what i think it is im going to be really happy because on what i paid for it.
They actually tried to tell me it was a lasiodora parahybana. Well i have somewhere in the ball park of 2500 lp's( lol) so i knew it wasnt that. They said they wanted 35 for it.. I said well thats to much money.(already knowing it was mislabeled) however i will give you 20 and i will take it off your hands right now! Do you think the guy at the show took it? Yup! Then on closer examination i had a joygasm realizing what it actually was. So i took it to mike from exotic kingdoms booth and he goes, i was looking at that i was going to wait... he said he was pretty sure it was a pampho but til its molt to be 100 percent. So im thinking SCORE!

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Tarantula Identification
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