Sold as a Rose Hair

Sold as a Rose Hair

Not to sure given the glass climbing corner dwelling behavior I am seeing.
Not a very clear picture but it looks like a B. albopilosum to me.
Dont quote me on that though. =/
Yep, that's a Curly-Hair. They don't usually climb like this, but sometimes in a new enclosure a spider will climb until it settles down. They will also do this if they don't like the substrate, though.

Definately a B. albopilosum. Man I wish I would find one labeled as a G. rosea, with the rosie price tag of course!
WitchyGirl said:
I'm waiting for the store that sells a Hatian Brown as a Rise hair HEH HEH
i found that pet store i bought a rare rose hair which i could see clearly was a hatian brown by the attitude the owner said she was probablu stressed from shipping i just kept my mouth shut and payed the lady the 15.00${D

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Tarantula Identification
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