0.1 P. sp Platyomma L8

0.1 P. sp Platyomma L8

She was prettier when she was young
Not at all, mate, she is a female who is now almost 12 years old.
Wow! An exception for the species. Most females will not sport that color in their femurs. I guess this is why the taxonomists tell us repeatedly "don't use color" for species identification and in some cases gender identification. All of my "platyomma" females dating back to the '90s, have had dark brown femurs. Only their carapace had the pink/fuchsia coloration. Maybe she is not 100% pure "playtomma". Maybe a hybrid due to people mixing up labels.
Upon further detective work here, that posted pic at the beginning of this thread has a few problems:

1) It's not P. "platyomma". For 12-year-old female P. "platyomma", the legs would be dark brown and the pic shows a very light colored carapace which would not be a real P. "playtomma" adult female.


2) It's not 12 years old.

I suspect the hobbyist got something from a seller that is not named "accurately" which is common in our hobby. I just came back from an expo and a hobbyist said they got 2 "Pamphobeteus sp." in trade from another hobbyist. No other info. WTH are we calling to do with those two specimens? Definitely no breeding for later on. This is what happens too much in our hobby with the muts and hybrids. That crap is killing our hobby and making a mess of known species.

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