Juvenile female Nhandu cerradensis

Juvenile female Nhandu cerradensis

Haven’t seen this one before, looks similar to Nhandu coloratovilosus or an A genic apart from the red hairs on this and being fluffier than the Genic

Nhandus are the best :cool:
The best 🤘🤘 Cerradensis is very similar to carapoensis, with less red when adults compared to carapoensis reddish back legs. Very cool species :)
The best 🤘🤘 Cerradensis is very similar to carapoensis, with less red when adults compared to carapoensis reddish back legs. Very cool species :)
How does the temprament compare? carapoensis is my chillest Nhandu (while my coloratvillosus is the boltiest :rofl:). Tripeii is my favourite
How does the temprament compare? carapoensis is my chillest Nhandu (while my coloratvillosus is the boltiest :rofl:). Tripeii is my favourite
She was very shy and would run back into her burrow at the slightest movement in the room until her last molt. She's still a shy T, but she's definitely gaining confidence and now she's always out and about, like, big change in behavior for sure. She still won't stay put when I touch her enclosure to open the door and stuff, but that's all she does. Never once gave me any kind of threat display, not even tried to kick any hairs. I'm pretty sure she'll chill as she grows. The 3 of them, cerradensis, carapoensis and colortovillosus are somewhat close in size, and they all molted maybe 20 days ago and became way more visible, always out on display, very different than what they used to be. It's actually pretty interesting how all 3 of them changed like that. On the other hand, my huge female tripepii used to be out 24/7, never hidden, closed her self during a long premolt, molted, was paired and now barely leaves her hide. And that's what's so cool about this genus, there's always something going on with them. Keeping Nhandus is such a joy. Not to mention all 4 species are big, hairy and colorful spiders. Definitely in my top 3 genus list. And yes, tripepii is also my number one. I'm crazy for my big, spicy girl 🫠🤘🤘🤘

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Member Album by OldFlash
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Apple iPhone 11
Focal length
4.3 mm
Exposure time
Off, did not fire
File size
3.2 MB
Date taken
Thu, 13 March 2025 2:05 AM
3187px x 2268px

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