

Hello. I have two Chilobrachys natanicharum. They should be l4 or 5. . One shell then became l3 and the pink one gradually became pinker. The other is still black. Could the pink one be a different species? Or does it have anything to do with gender?
Could be a different sp my male was black not peach/pink but I have never raised a female and I am no expert just a hobbiest 😊 so I would wait for someone more knowledgeable then me to help with sp. 🤷🏻‍♀️.
Could be a different sp my male was black not peach/pink but I have never raised a female and I am no expert just a hobbiest 😊 so I would wait for someone more knowledgeable then me to help with sp. 🤷🏻‍♀️.
Thank you very much. I also think it is a change in physical appearance related to gender. But it is also possible that there is confusion. I am consulting the forum to be sure.
My English is a little bad, please be understanding.
Thank you very much. I also think it is a change in physical appearance related to gender. But it is also possible that there is confusion. I am consulting the forum to be sure.
My English is a little bad, please be understanding.
It's no problem 😊 I don't think it is because of gender, I think you may have a different sp.

@l4nsky you have been playing with chilobrachys recently, do you have any idea what sp this little one can possibly be? Non of mine have been pink all tan brown black or blue lol.

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