This one has grown very fast tbh taken her only a year to go from 0.5cm to 2 inches, her sac mate on the other hand has been very slow and has only gotten to 2cm max still full sling colours not sure why this one's grows so fast and her sister doesn't though they have identical vivs set up food water yet Seraphina has moulted 3x since her sister last moulted. Funny little spoods .
This one has grown very fast tbh taken her only a year to go from 0.5cm to 2 inches, her sac mate on the other hand has been very slow and has only gotten to 2cm max still full sling colours not sure why this one's grows so fast and her sister doesn't though they have identical vivs set up food water yet Seraphina has moulted 3x since her sister last moulted. Funny little spoods .
Got my tiny slings a year and a half ago, each has Molted twice one three times.. and they’re still tiny slings My brachys run laps around them for growth!
Wonder why she grows so fast then . My 2 as I said have identical vivs are kept together in the same spot on the shelf, came from the same sac even yet one is like yours a tiny sling only moulted twice n this girl is super sizing .... don't think I will ever understand t's .
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