This was mislabeled from a Guyana export. It might be Holothele, but doesn't have the orange carapace of H. longipes. The carapace is dark. Post-molt in natural light the inside femurs are dark blue. It's not defensive. It is skittish.
I clicked on this thinking it was an O. sp Ranong Blue lol. For sure from Guyana though? No chance of an accidental mixup with an importer who was handling both species?
Yep, looks very similar. The locality of that specimen is Romerito, Venezuela, so the question is if this specimen was really collected in Guyana (where the export originated), does the same variation exist there or is it a different species? Interesting...
Yep, looks very similar. The locality of that specimen is Romerito, Venezuela, so the question is if this specimen was really collected in Guyana (where the export originated), does the same variation exist there or is it a different species? Interesting...
The problem with exports in general is species could be collected across a country line and brought in to exporters. This happens with Guyana and Vietnamese exports all the time. So, here in the U.S., we are told it's from a Guyana export, but can't get exact locality info.
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