

She's a female B. Boehmi. She seems to be healthy walking around her enclosure and eating steady (once or twice a week) but she is not putting any mass in her abdomen. It this normal? My feeders was a variety of superworms and roaches. What seems to be the problem?
What's the size of the female vs the size of the prey? For a weekly schedule, I try to offer prey that is between 75 - 100% of the body length of the tarantula. As an example, if a tarantula's body length (NOT Diagonal Leg Span or DLS measurement) is 4", I'm looking for atleast a 3" feeder (most likely a male dubia).
Are you actually witnessing her feeding and finding a bolus each time? And how long has it been since her last molt? It's normal for it to take some time for them to start gaining after a molt, so that's important to consider.
Are you actually witnessing her feeding and finding a bolus each time? And how long has it been since her last molt? It's normal for it to take some time for them to start gaining after a molt, so that's important to consider.
Thank you. This T is actually a gift from me and he said that the T was actually recently molted last November.
What's the size of the female vs the size of the prey? For a weekly schedule, I try to offer prey that is between 75 - 100% of the body length of the tarantula. As an example, if a tarantula's body length (NOT Diagonal Leg Span or DLS measurement) is 4", I'm looking for atleast a 3" feeder (most likely a male dubia).
Thank you for this. I think I should give her a larger meal then since I give her smaller prey because I thought that the pray should be no longer than the size of the abdomen. This really is a helpful advice.

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