Butterfly macro
Taken with A6700 - Tamron 28-200mm - DCR250 magnifier.
Wow! , Just sitting bk watching your pics get better and better 😍
Think you would make a great wildlife photographer, you clearly have the patience for it 😊.
Thanks! I already am a wildlife photographer 😁 been at it for 8 years.

IG: https://www.instagram.com/lensofthenorth/

Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/sony-alpha.bsky.social
Well that's the first time I have logged into insta in about 5 years 😳, totally worth it ! Your work is stunning 😍 I even followed you πŸ˜†. That pic of the tigers playing in the snow chefs kiss x2 πŸ‘©β€πŸ³πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ.
I have questions too πŸ˜† do you get to travel alot to take these pics? Have you ever captured stuff for a documentary or mag or anything? Is it really days of sitting and just waiting for that one perfect pic like on the documentarys?
I watch alot of nature docs n I always like to watch the behind the scenes stuff and one thing I notice is the patience of the camera men, watched one recently about our native UK creatures and one of the parts was urchins moving in the kelp forest off our shores and the man not only made a special tripod to capture these urchins move but he spent days diving to set up and watch these urchins, it was amazing to see such extreme dedication. You must be very patient to get such gorgeous pics 😊
Well that's the first time I have logged into insta in about 5 years 😳, totally worth it ! Your work is stunning 😍 I even followed you πŸ˜†. That pic of the tigers playing in the snow chefs kiss x2 πŸ‘©β€πŸ³πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ.
I have questions too πŸ˜† do you get to travel alot to take these pics? Have you ever captured stuff for a documentary or mag or anything? Is it really days of sitting and just waiting for that one perfect pic like on the documentarys?
I watch alot of nature docs n I always like to watch the behind the scenes stuff and one thing I notice is the patience of the camera men, watched one recently about our native UK creatures and one of the parts was urchins moving in the kelp forest off our shores and the man not only made a special tripod to capture these urchins move but he spent days diving to set up and watch these urchins, it was amazing to see such extreme dedication. You must be very patient to get such gorgeous pics 😊
Well you can take shortcuts by taking guide tours, going to places where you know there will be animals like wildlife sanctuaries and national parks etc.

Thanks a lot for the lovely compliments!
Well you can take shortcuts by taking guide tours, going to places where you know there will be animals like wildlife sanctuaries and national parks etc.

Thanks a lot for the lovely compliments!
It's easy to compliment when the work is amazing πŸ˜‰.

That's cool 😎 do you have todo the sitting for days to get that snap? Sorry for all the questions but I have always admired photography specifically wildlife and landscape but never known a decent photographer to ask about it.

I have visions of you in a camouflage tent in the woods all set up waiting for that perfect snap of whatever creature you stalk , or waiting all year to go bk to a spot because you know that waterfall will freeze and look amazing only at that time of year πŸ˜†....sorry I watched way to many documentarys πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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500.8 KB
Date taken
Wed, 15 January 2025 8:33 PM
1425px x 916px

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