She's beautiful , I do love these probably my favourite Brachypelma looks wise, my girls called Sizzy Rocket, you will probably be able to see her in the Brachypelma pics she's super shy n spends 90% of her time in her burrow now. I even had to turn her viv backwards just so I can see her as her burrow is at the back of her viv behind her mushroom so can't see her from the front .
Your girls lovely though.... she gots a name?
For sure my favorite Brachy. I’m not a huge Brachypelma fan, I’ve always had a hard time adapting to their time schedule I guess. But emilias are too good to pass.
Can you send me the link so I can see Sizzy Rocket in all her glory? Sorry to ask, but the Brachy album is huge
And no, I don’t name my T’s anymore. There’s just too many lol
For sure my favorite Brachy. I’m not a huge Brachypelma fan, I’ve always had a hard time adapting to their time schedule I guess. But emilias are too good to pass.
Can you send me the link so I can see Sizzy Rocket in all her glory? Sorry to ask, but the Brachy album is huge
And no, I don’t name my T’s anymore. There’s just too many lol
I have tagged you on her pic , also tagged you on my favourite pic of my caraponensis because I love her and if you love Nhandu too you will appreciate the pic can see both the colours took ages to capture.
I have a few Brachypelma baumgarteni, smithi, hamorii, klassi, and emilia, I like the colours on them but yer they are very pet rock apart from baumgarteni n klassi they are crazy .
I have over 100 t's atm it's why I need a bigger room lol, but even though the room will be 3x bigger I plan on only getting a few particular sp like tripepii and coloratovillosus, maybe a couple more sp once my males go for breeding but I don't want to get to the stage where it feels like a job, am comfortable around here so trying to stay here .
100+ Ts!! That’s awesome! What's the adult/sling ratio? Love me some rooms full of Ts You MUST add a tripepii to that collection, come on!
Also, do you name all of them? For real?
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