I have a bit of a rubbish history with Nhandu unfortunately. I bought my caraponensis first np bought as a female and is one. I fell in love with her so bought a female coloratovillosus and female tripepii.
When they arrived my coloratovillosus was a chromatis and when they moulted both were male. The chromatis has since matured and passed away but I still have my little tripepii male. Luckily he has a female waiting for him but the chromatis wasn't as lucky, no one wanted him .
But all that kinda put a damper on my plans of having all the Nhandu. I can understand why you like tripepii though, they are stunning and if I hadn't have been burned with mine they would probably be joint top spot with caraponensis . They whole genus are amazing t's , and yours look amazing too , every single one of them .
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