2” P. irminia

2” P. irminia

Thinking male but this is the first Psalmo I’ve owned and not sure what to make of it
Not the best angle, but it appears female IMO
yeah sorry :( iPhone cameras are awful.

Arboreal Ts other than Avic always confuse me- they have such narrow vents even as females that I’m never able to figure them out. Thanks for the possible answer though! This one is growing fast so it shouldn’t be too long before the sex is more apparent.
yeah sorry :( iPhone cameras are awful.

Arboreal Ts other than Avic always confuse me- they have such narrow vents even as females that I’m never able to figure them out. Thanks for the possible answer though! This one is growing fast so it shouldn’t be too long before the sex is more apparent.
It's not the phone, it's the angle the pic was taken from.

While avics are difficult due to the hairs blocking the vent, most other arboreals don't have those hairs, which make them very easy to vent sex.....Psalmopeous are generally super easy to vent sex.
It's not the phone, it's the angle the pic was taken from.

While avics are difficult due to the hairs blocking the vent, most other arboreals don't have those hairs, which make them very easy to vent sex.....Psalmopeous are generally super easy to vent sex.
Oh okay thank you, I’ll get a better straight-on photo next time the T is visible 👍
Not straight on...the correct angle is back to front, this illuminates the furrow
I never knew that! I wish I read this 20 minutes earlier; I was graced with the P irminia’s presence again, which is rare as-is, and took a photo of the vent with a cheap macro lens:

Do you have an example of the proper “back to front” angle, for my future reference?

While this isn't a good pic....there's glare, it's not well focused....but because the light is angled back to front, the epigastic furrow is lit perfect to make it obvious that this is a female.

While this isn't a good pic....there's glare, it's not well focused....but because the light is angled back to front, the epigastic furrow is lit perfect to make it obvious that this is a female.
Ah okay the lighting coming from back to front.. that makes sense.

This Psalmo was a freebie from several months ago and was curious as for what to expect, so male is fine too. So far I’m also leaning this way but when the T moults next I’ll be able to check that to confirm. Thanks for you help!
Ah okay the lighting coming from back to front.. that makes sense.

This Psalmo was a freebie from several months ago and was curious as for what to expect, so male is fine too. So far I’m also leaning this way but when the T moults next I’ll be able to check that to confirm. Thanks for you help!
With that last picture, it's not a guess, it's definitely a male

Media information

Epiandrous fusillae sexing (Not Molts)
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Image metadata

Apple iPhone 13
Focal length
5.1 mm
Exposure time
On, fired
File size
1.9 MB
Date taken
Thu, 28 November 2024 5:25 PM
4032px x 3024px

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