

Greta, Cyriocosmus sp oronegro unsexed about 1.5 cm dls. This little one has been so shy but has all of a sudden decided its OK to come out the web/burrow so I got a few pics before we change or mind n go bk in 😆
One of mine just molted and is looking more like a real T now, but it's still only an inch DLS! 😆 Gotta love Cyriocosmus...
One of mine just molted and is looking more like a real T now, but it's still only an inch DLS! 😆 Gotta love Cyriocosmus...
I adore mine it's just a shame they don't come out much and when they do, they hide in a mass of web 🤣
N congratulations did you find out gender? Mine still hides all moults 😆
I adore mine it's just a shame they don't come out much and when they do, they hide in a mass of web 🤣
N congratulations did you find out gender? Mine still hides all moults 😆
I was able to get a decent exuvia to check, just haven't had time to look at it yet. I'll put it in the queue with the others and look some day... 🫤 They get more bold as they get bigger, so I'm sure you'll see it more often eventually.
I was able to get a decent exuvia to check, just haven't had time to look at it yet. I'll put it in the queue with the others and look some day... 🫤 They get more bold as they get bigger, so I'm sure you'll see it more often eventually.
Got everything crossed for you. You'll have to dedicate a day or 2 solid so you can get through them 😆 can Mrs NMTs be bribed? Time for you to catch up on moults for time to do whatever she wants 🤔😆

I hope so such a pretty t I love the heart on them n it really pops on this sp.
I saw NMTs post his first and said, wow! Then I see you have one, too. Glad I’ll get to see two grow up here.
Yer I think we got them a few weeks apart 😆 we often end up with the same obscure sp at the same time. Suckers for something different lol.
I will have to make sure I try n post extra pics when little one is out so you can see till you get your own 😉😁
Yer I think we got them a few weeks apart 😆 we often end up with the same obscure sp at the same time. Suckers for something different lol.
I will have to make sure I try n post extra pics when little one is out so you can see till you get your own 😉😁
Unfortunately I won’t get getting any new T’s for quite a long time. Looking at moving in a couple to few years here and moving the ones I have will be an expense (they are coming with me). I’ll just have to be my surrogate for oronegro like Ladyratri is for pulchra, lol.
Unfortunately I won’t get getting any new T’s for quite a long time. Looking at moving in a couple to few years here and moving the ones I have will be an expense (they are coming with me). I’ll just have to be my surrogate for oronegro like Ladyratri is for pulchra, lol.
I will definitely have to make sure I post more then 😉

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samsung SM-G780F
Focal length
5.4 mm
Exposure time
File size
1.7 MB
Date taken
Thu, 07 November 2024 12:01 PM
2268px x 4032px

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