

Found walking on road near Exeter, CA. Thanks for your help in identifying. :)
As mentioned in my other post, I think this one looks most like A. eutylenum. How close together were the 2 specimens when you found them?
hope you let the guy go to find a female fatality rate is high for those males i used to find em dead all the time certain months of the year in pool skimmers when i had my pool cleaning business
Leaning to MM A. johnnycashi v=but possibly A. eutylenum. MMs of steindachneri are typically done by now
As mentioned in my other post, I think this one looks most like A. eutylenum. How close together were the 2 specimens when you found them?
There is syntopy between the species, all the more so when grassland meadows are butting up on rocky hillsides.
Leaning to MM A. johnnycashi v=but possibly A. eutylenum. MMs of steindachneri are typically done by now

There is syntopy between the species, all the more so when grassland meadows are butting up on rocky hillsides.
Leaning to MM A. johnnycashi v=but possibly A. eutylenum. MMs of steindachneri are typically done by now

There is syntopy between the species, all the more so when grassland meadows are butting up on rocky hillsides.
Thank you for your help. I found three that day. I believe two males and one female. They were found in the exact habitat you mentioned. Thank you for your help :)
Thank you for your help. I found three that day. I believe two males and one female. They were found in the exact habitat you mentioned. Thank you for your help :)
So very possible you have both species in one spot. If we want a definitive answer I can reach out

Both Johnnycashi and eutylenum males are out this time of year.

So you check how fuzzy the Femur Hair is (Scopula).
"The most significant measurement that distinguishes male and female A. steindachneri from its closely related phylogenetic and syntopic species is the extent scopulation on metatarsus IV. Male A.steindachneri possess a smaller L4 scopulation extent (21%–31%) than A. eutylenum (62%–74%), A. iodius (62%–88%), and A. johnnycashi sp. n. (70%–76%). Female A. steindachneripossess a smaller L4 scopulation extent (24%–34%) than A. eutylenum (62%–75%), A. iodius(59%–83%), and A. johnnycashi (67%–82%)."

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Tarantula Identification
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Apple iPhone SE (2nd generation)
Focal length
4.0 mm
Exposure time
Off, did not fire
File size
1.7 MB
Date taken
Sat, 02 November 2024 1:56 PM
4032px x 3024px

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