

G. pulchra ~3.5-4 inch DLS
Sorry for the horrible picture I am having a hard time getting a better pic tonight!

This looks like a female to me BUT I really want it to be a female so I would like to confirm with more experienced keepers before I get too excited. 🤞🤞🤞
Actually I think it’s a boy 😭
I'd agree. Don't be too sad - males of this species will live a long time (longer than females of many other species), and once he matures he'll be a very popular fellow with folks that have females ready to breed. 👍
Actually I think it’s a boy 😭
I'd agree. Don't be too sad - males of this species will live a long time (longer than females of many other species), and once he matures he'll be a very popular fellow with folks that have females ready to breed. 👍
Everyone says that but I have not had good luck finding people who are interested in my male tarantulas :/

That light area kept throwing me off. I was having a really time getting clear close ups.
At 3.5-4" DLS, the female parts should be obvious - if you have to search too hard, they're probably not there. For comparison, look at this molt from a specimen about an inch smaller and notice how pronounced the flap (uterus externus) and spermathecae are:
At 3.5-4" DLS, the female parts should be obvious - if you have to search too hard, they're probably not there. For comparison, look at this molt from a specimen about an inch smaller and notice how pronounced the flap (uterus externus) and spermathecae are:

That’s super helpful! Thank you!
Actually I think it’s a boy 😭
Everyone says that but I have not had good luck finding people who are interested in my male tarantulas :/
There is a section here in the classifieds to create a dating profile (not literally, but it sounds better than posting an ad 🤣)

If you are willing to safely ship him it will create more opportunities... ......... 🤣

There are other places people post males or requests for males, like Facebook, but at least here you have the peace of mind that the person will take good care of them and get the job attempted in the safest way possible

I hope I live long enough to see another male to maturity 🤣 (you'll have more time with him than you think)
I have four goodie Sapphire tarantula females approximately 7 years old never bred I've raised them from slings they're in good health eat well and I continue molting

They're in pompano Beach Florida ideal is for pickup they're in enclosures 10 by 15 by about 18 high
I'm thinking about moving and that's the only reason I'm looking to find them new homes for sale
If the sad isn't in the correct place I apologize to administrators
I have four goodie Sapphire tarantula females approximately 7 years old never bred I've raised them from slings they're in good health eat well and I continue molting

They're in pompano Beach Florida ideal is for pickup they're in enclosures 10 by 15 by about 18 high
I'm thinking about moving and that's the only reason I'm looking to find them new homes for sale
If the sad isn't in the correct place I apologize to administrators
Go here:

Click the "post ad" button in the upper right. You'll have to participate in a few threads in the "Tarantula Questions & Discussion" forum until you become an "Active Member" first, otherwise you'll have to pay $5 (I think) to become a classifieds user.

Media information

Spermathecae sexing (Molts)
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0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

Image metadata

Apple iPhone 13 mini
Focal length
5.1 mm
Exposure time
Off, did not fire
File size
2.2 MB
Date taken
Mon, 13 May 2024 7:13 PM
4032px x 3024px

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